Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Random Musings

·         I love that Devon and I have theme songs for just about everything; our children (present and future), cities we’ve lived in, cities we visit regularly, sporting events, water parks, etc.
·         I’ve been listening to this country music station on TV that plays songs from the 90s and early 2000s. Every now and again I’ll hear a song and think, ‘why is this song playing on this station? It just came out.’ I’ll look at the date and it came out 10 years ago! I must be getting old, if 10 years ago seems like yesterday!
·         Devon and I fell in love with The Big Bang Theory while we were on our house hunting trip. Since then we’ve tapped all the episodes that are in syndication, but I think we’ve reached the point where we’ve seen them ALL. I am SO excited that the new season starts tomorrow night, just in time. I’m really starting to miss Sheldon, Leonard and Penny!
·         We also just started watching Friday Night Lights on Netflix. It’s such a good show! Enough drama and romance to keep me interested and more than enough football to keep Devon interested.
·         I hate that moment, as a mom, where West goes in another room to play and suddenly get very quiet. I try to justify enjoying the silence as long as possible, but since I KNOW no good can come from him being quiet, the mom in me always fights the urge and goes to check on him anyway.
·         Play dough is just as fun when your 31 as it is when your 1.
·         My favorite part of the day is when Devon gets home. I LOVE how excited West gets. We wait by the window and as soon as he sees Devon’s car he starts screeching and waving. Once we’ve waved dad all the way to the walkway, West runs to meet him at the front door. Melts my heart a little bit, every day.
·         I’m kind of glad that West is a little selective about when he gives kisses and hugs, it makes them that more special when he does comply with the request.
·         I’ve decided that trash compactors are the greatest invention EVER!!! I don’t understand why more people don’t have them.
·         I love having hardwood floors, but boy are they a lot of maintenance!
·         West is obsessed with this internet show called TuTiTu. I had never heard of it before we accidently stumbled upon it one day and I really don’t see the appeal. But, like Devon said, I am not there target audience.
·         Someone posted on Facebook a quote from Jerry Seinfeld that said, "Having a two-year-old is like having a blender without a lid." I could not have thought of a better analogy!!!

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