Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Near Diaster

Devon and I switched cars today so that I could take his car to get inspected. Devon's backseat is not carseat friendly, to say the least! But after pushing forward the passenger seat as far as it could go and keeping it in the forward fold position, I seemed to securely get the carseat installed. I got West in the seat and we were off to do our thing. We made a stop and when I went to put West back into his seat, I could feel that it has loosened up a little bit. I tightened up the seatbelt and once it felt secure, we were off. About 10 minutes later we were exiting the freeway. There was a light at the end of the off ramp and as I broke for the light, the carseat slipped off the seat and Weston fell out onto the floor! I guess when I tightened the seatbelt, I was so worried about getting the seat in tight I forgot to buckle West in. He was screaming and I was freaking out! I picked him up and calmed him down. Luckily, I could see a gas station that was easily accessible. But I had to quickly decide how to get us there safely. West was on my lap, but with visions of Brittany Spears dancing in my head, I realized my lap wouldn't be the best way. So, I placed West in the passenger seat and off we went. I pulled into the gas station without further incident, flipped West's seat around and he got to ride around for the rest of the day like a big boy!

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