Weston is 18 months old!!! I can't believe how much he is growing. It seems so weird to me that just one summer ago he wasn't even crawling and now he's turning into a little man. Here are some of my favorite things about my Big Guy and some of my not so favorite things:
*He is obsessed with fans! Mostly, ceiling fans, but any fan will do. Whenever he sees one, he makes it known. He especially makes it known when the fan is not on. As soon as we get home he runs to our bedroom and makes sure our fan is on.
*He loves music. Devon's mom said that Devon would hear background music in grocery stores when he was really little and that is SO West! He'll start dancing while in the store, restaurant, etc, and it takes me a minute to realize that there is music playing. While I make dinner he is insistent that I have a music channel playing on the TV.His favorite song is 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes,' he points to his head every time he wants us to sing it. He is still obsessed with his music videos. We had to scale back on them a bit because he is a little too obsessed. Here is what he looks like while he watches them:
*On a similar note, he is obsessed with electronics (I wonder where he gets this from?). We have to distract him while we hide all computers and phones, so he won't whine at the drawer they are in. He also manages to pull himself up to the dining room table when I accidentally leave a computer there:
*He loves to wave! Everywhere we go he waves to people and people love it. I think it makes them feel special, but little do they know he does it to EVERYONE! We were at the DMV the other day and after waiting about 2 hours, West got a little restless. So, I put him in his stroller and rolled him up and down the aisle, he waved the whole time, like he was in his own little parade.
*He has the cutest little laugh where he covers his mouth.
*He LOVES popcorn and cheese.
*I'm so amazed by how much he knows!!! He's still not speaking yet (GRRRRR!!!), but he definitely knows what's going on in the world around him. He knows all his body parts, he gives great hugs when asked, he give wide open mouthed kisses, as well as blowing kisses. He's mastered the cat sound (which is a hiss, since that's all his kitty says to him), cow's moo, snake's hiss and bee's buzz.
*He has mastered the ability to get strangers to do things for him. When we're at a playground and he's too lazy to climb up something, he'll find a nearby stranger and whine to them till they'll help him. He's also great at getting snacks from other moms using this same technique.
*He's all boy. He loves cars and trucks. He's a climber, he loves climbing up and down anything, especially stairs, but he gets creative in our little condo. He loves kicking balls and throwing ball (and pretty much anything else.) He also knows that you play ball with men. We'll be out playing somewhere and he will search through a crowd full of moms to find the one man to play ball with. He also LOVES jumping, especially on the bed, this one make me super nervous! He especially loves it when he can combine balls and jumping:
*We finally have to stop making short jokes about him. At his last doctor's appointment in Utah he was in the 2nd percentile. Now he has jumped up to the 50th!! I've never been to happy to say my child is
average :)
To end this blog, just a cute little picture of West chillin in the car...