Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Waka Waka

Weston is a bit behind in language development. Which is really frustrating because he's been ahead of the curve in every other milestone. His doctor is not worried, as he is very friendly, understands what we're saying, babbles, knows mama, dada and a good handful of animal sounds. However, I've been anxiously waiting to see what his first word (besides mama and dada), would be. He's said words here and there, but never anything on a consistent basis. When the time came, I figured it would be a word like cat, dog, ball or even soccer. Well, this past week, he finally said his first word, Waka Waka (which sounds a lot more like Caka Caka).

As I've mentioned in previous blogs, Weston is obsessed with music videos. His new favorite is Waka Waka by Shakira, a song about the last World Cup in Africa. Because he can't handle it when the videos need to be turned off, we have really had to cut back on the amount of time we spend watching videos. But it's so hard for me to turn him down, when he walks up to me and says, 'caka, caka?' It's even cuter when we watch the video and West does the little dance, that Shakira is doing in the picture.

While it wasn't the word I was expecting I'm glad we're making progress, even if it took Shakira to get it out of him. Who knew those hips could even memorize toddlers?

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