Monday, October 22, 2012


A Weston Self-Portrait

I have, for lack of a better term, retarded toes. On each foot, the toe right next to the pinkie toes, are skinny on the bottom and fat on the top. On my right foot, that toe is kind of crooked, which makes the fat part go under my middle toe. When I get into running (which, thanks goodness for that toe, hasn't happened for a while), I have to tape the fat part or I get a major blister.

Devon isn't immune from nasty feet, either. His feet are perfectly shaped, but he has feet issues. I won't list all the issues, but I will address the major issue and that is ingrown toenails. Devon insists that in order to keep the ingrowns under control, he has to let his nails grow out to a longer than normal length. Which, essentially mean, I get to sleep with Freddy Kruger (except the blades are on his feet and not on his hands).

You always hope that these kind of problems will become recessive in your gene pool. Unfortunately for Weston, this didn't happen. Immediately when he was born I could tell he had my toes. I just hoped he wouldn't get Devon's feet problems, as well. But then the other day Devon was looking at Weston's feet and noticed that he already has ingrown toenails. Ugh! Poor guy, he got the worst of both worlds.  I feel bad for him, but I feel even worse for his future wife. The only thing I can hope for now, is that Landon will some how manage to dodge the nasty feet bullet. Good luck, Landon!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

You're not alone Annette. My toes get blisters in the same spot when I walk too much or run a lot. Jared has the ingrown toenails too. Our kids are all doomed together.