Monday, October 3, 2011

Thoughts on Motherhood

I was listening to Dr. Laura the other day while cleaning my house. I was a tad bit annoyed because I just had a few things left to do and every time West couldn't see me (even if for a sec), he would scream. Instead of it taking me the 10 minutes it should have to finish up, it took about an hour. Just then a lady called in and was talking to Dr. Laura about some issues she was having. Dr. Laura asked her what she was doing right then and the caller said she was feeding her baby. Dr. Laura asked her to tell her one annoying thing about what was going on at that moment. The caller had trouble thinking of anything and finally said that every time she said something her baby would stop eating and look up at her. Dr. Laura pointed out that her baby was doing that because he loved her. He was overpowering his natural instinct to eat, to receive life sustaining nourishment, to look at his mom, because he loved her more than food.  WOW, I, along with the caller, started to cry. I immediately thought of the times, while feeding West, that he would just look up at me and smile. Yes, it took a little longer to feed him, but it sure was worth it. At that moment I realized it didn't matter if it took me two additional years to finish up my housework. All that matters is that my baby loves me now and needs me now. I know it won't always be this way! Once he's a teenager (if not before) he's going to whine when I come into a room, instead of whining when I leave one. And I'm pretty sure once he's a teenager, he will no longer love me more than food ;). So, for right now I'm going to soak up every second of my baby needing me!!!

1 comment:

Jenafer Lowe said...

Loved that blog post and I'm grateful you took the time to post it. I love West more than food and I love you, but maybe not more than food. ;) You are a wonderful Mama and I know you will continue to reflect on these small moments that matter most and pass them on to your future children. It has been so neat for me to watch you as a mother and it warms my heart. I'm glad you've gone first in so many of our adventures so I can watch you and learn from your example. And, if I am blessed someday to be half the mother you are, my children might stand a chance. Thank you for the way you reflect goodness onto all those who are near you. I am so grateful I get to be an auntie to West and I can't wait for you to be an auntie to my future children. I'm looking hard!!! Sorry for rambling...however, after being best friends/sister for as long as we have been, I think you're used to it by now. Can I have a hug?