Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Devon and I are about average height (maybe just a tad below average), but we both have tall genes in our families. The hope was that our children would get those tall genes, we never got. Well, for the first of our offspring, it's not looking so hot. I took West to his six month well child exam last week. The nurses did all the measurements and then left West and I to wait for the doctor. When the doctor walked in West was sitting on the exam table in his diaper. The doctor looked at him and said, "Hmmm, wow, well, umm..." He paused for a minute then continued, "His percentiles were so low (Height 5-7th; Weight 20th) that I wasn't expecting such as healthy looking baby. Was he premature?" He was not. Of course I got worried. He then proceeded with the exam. As soon as he was done he said, "Yep, he's doing really good! Very well proportioned. Just a short little guy!" UGH, the words I hoped I'd never have to hear. I know it's too early to know for sure, but I'm thinking the NBA might not be on the list of potential career paths West can take. On the bright side, the doctor said he's got a big head. If he's going to get his dad's height, he better get his brains!


Sarah said...

Hm. That's funny, because I certainly never thought of West as being that little... and really, who knows? My mom always talks about how short John was until about his senior year in HS when he FINALLY hit a growth spurt.

Jenafer Lowe said...

Still the cutest thing EVER!