Saturday, January 2, 2010

2009 Year In Review

When I look back at 2009 there is no way I'm going to be able to say it was an uneventful year! Devon and I decided this was a year of change, some for the wonderful and some for the not my type of change kinda thing. So, here we go, hold on, I'm gonna take you for a ride through our crazy year.


The year started out with a bang!

On January 29th Devon proposed to me! It wasn't supposed to be a surprise, since we'd been talking about if for a few months prior and even had the ring picked out. However, Devon was pretty sneaky. The night after we'd picked out the ring he told me it would take 5-10 business day to get it. So, I thought I'd be waiting a week or so. The next evening he called and said he was coming over. I hurried, got showered and in my jammies before he came (had I known what was coming I would have dressed a little more appropriately and not had wet hair). He told he'd received something funny at work and wanted to show me. He pulled over his computer and started the most romantic slide show. It was pictures of our past year together with captions on each one. The last caption read, "Now there's just one more thing..." He knelt down and asked me to marry him, shaky hands and all! Of course I said yes!


I was going to take advantage of the long President's day weekend to go down to Long Beach and visit my family. I'd just gotten engaged and had to show off the ring and my dad was in a long term care facility, not doing so good. I had a great weekend. I got to spend a lot of time with my family, especially my dad. On Monday I was getting ready to go see my dad one last time before I left when we got the call. He'd passed away during the night. This was the not my type of change kinda thing, but in spite of losing my dad I have a lot to be grateful for.

First of all, I got to be there. When my dad's health started declining one of my biggest worries was that I wasn't going to know when things were bad enough for me to go home. But I guess I didn't need to know, Heavenly Father would get me there, one way or the other. Secondly, Dr. Laura says that when someone dies we shouldn't say, "sorry to hear about your loss." Instead we should say, "I'm glad that you'll miss them," because that when death is really sad, when we're not going to miss the person. Luckily I had an amazing dad that I miss horribly every day! Thirdly, something else Dr. Laura says (she's my new obsession this year, but that's another blog post.) The one way that people live on forever is that they have qualities that we adopt that get passed down through the generations. My dad had so many qualities that I want to emulate. Our kids aren't going to know their Papa here on this earth, but they are going to know who he was because of the qualities of his that I posses and hopefully will pass on to them. And last, but not least, I have the knowledge that families are forever, what more could I be grateful for?


The week after we got home from the funeral I got a call from Devon that he'd lost his job, two days later I lost mine. What a way to start off life together, unemployed! The saddest thing about losing my job was that I LOVED it!! I loved what I did, I loved the company and I loved the people that I worked with.

They weren't just co-worked they were my friends, my substitute family. When I moved here I had no one, but these guys became like brothers and dads to me. They checked my tires, helped me move, would come over and fix things at my home, tease me to keep me humble, they let me into their homes, their families. Even though I don't work there any more, I will always be grateful for my years with Fieldstone.


Okay, May is where things started to look up! On May 30th I married the love of my forever, Devon, in the Newport Beach, Ca Temple.

Though the road to the temple was rough, knowing that no matter what Devon is mine forever, made it all worth it!!


For a few days Devon and I got to rest from job hunting, wedding planning and just about everything else, to spend a great honeymoon in Lake Tahoe.

Just after we returned home from Tahoe, Devon was offered a job that has turned out to be quite the blessing in our lives.


July ended four months of job hunting for me, as I was finally offered a job with the Social Security Administration.

While it's a hard job, I'm finding out that it is well worth it, causing me to learn things I never thought I could and grow in ways I wouldn't have imagined.

After July things slowed down, thank goodness! We've been able to really enjoy our first year of marriage. We've taken a few trips to Cali, gone to and watched a few hundred sporting events (including my first ever BYU vs UTAH football game), taken a few trips to southern Utah and had a two new nieces born into the family. This truly has been the year of change!


Jenafer Lowe said...

Well that made me cry, I join you in your hope that 2010 will be much better for both of us!

One more thing... you stated on your post that when you moved here you had no one?!? I am sensing a recall...

Sarah said...

Wow, Annette, I really enjoyed reading this. You guys really did go through a lot this year, good and bad. I hope 2010 is great for you guys.

Annette said...

Okay Jen, I'll rephrase...I had some wonderful friends here and an even more wonderful roomate, but I just didn't have any men to help me out with, as Devon would say, man's work.

Gerb said...

I didn't know you lost your dad this year. I know how difficult that is... and I'm glad that you'll miss him. :)

Here's to a wonderfully happy & blessing-filled 2010!

Cara said...

I am really glad to have you in the family! Hope you have a great 2010.

Mandy said...

I think all of us seemed to have quite the year in 2009! Love your post you are so darling and we miss you as our cute babysitter!