Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Gym

Two words that inspire an amazing array of emotions in people.

With basketball season creeping up I've hit *The Gym* a little harder than usual to make sure I'm in shape when I take to the court.

My own workout routine isn't all that spectacular. I hit the weight room a couple of times a week, and alternate between speed and endurance workouts.

I've known some people who are big time runners and would regularly lace up and go jogging for two hours. You know, the people who run marathons every year.

Personally, I do enjoy a good workout and I like being active and in shape. But, I'm not sure I could ever reach those heights of dedication and endurance. I was reminded of that yesterday when I had to push myself to finish my little 30-minute treadmill run. For now I'm happy to stick with improving my humble 5k speed and making sure I can get up and down the court/field as needed.


Julia said...

I just flatly refuse to run. I hate it, so instead I get on the treadmill and move it so that it's at the steepest incline and then set it to kind of a brisk pace so that it's a little like hiking. That or a I just use a stair stepper. I also keep my rest periods inbetween sets on the weights to 60 seconds, and take no breaks between machines. That way it adds some degree of cardio to a weightlifting routine. If the gym is empty enough I'll monopolize to machines so that during the rest on one I'm working out another set of muscles, so there's virtually no breaks in the workout at all. Thus I am able to avoid running all together, and I can still tell myself that I worked my cardiovascular system as well. Just a little tip.

Sarah said...

Yeah, I hate running too. Could it be genetic?