Devon and I have a completely different idea of vacation. I like to get as much done as I can and if that means getting up before the sun, I'm totally down with that. Devon, on the other hand, views vacation as a time to relax and sleep in. I would have been ready to head to Disneyland at 7am, but since we'd driven in just the night before, I let Devon sleep in and we got to the park around 10am. Here we are all bright eyes and bushy tailed...
We quickly learned the true beauty of fast passes. Between the smaller crowds and fast passes we managed to never wait longer than 10 minutes for any ride. Day one was mostly spent going on rides we hadn't been on in years....
This is on California Screamin', our new favorite ride. And this is my new favorite picture of Devon, he looks so worried!
We were able to have a new experience on Splash Mountain. WE GOT SOAKED!
I'm pretty sure the guy in white may have had something to do with our rather wet predicament....
At about 10pm it started to rain, since we'd done just about everything we wanted to accomplish that day we packed it up and headed home, but not before spending a few moments with Mr. Lincoln and....
Since we'd bought 3-day park hoppers we were able to take advantage of 'Magic Morning,' which lets you into the park an hour early one day. Surprise, surprise, I was actually able to get Devon up at 5:30, so we could be to the park by 7am. When we pulled into the parking lot we were the third car! Here is a pic of the huge crowds we had to battle that morning...
We were able to run onto every ride x2 in Tomorrowland, it was amazing! Once the park officially opened we were running out of Tomorrowland as all the masses were running in. We went to Frontier Land and basically had that place to ourselves.
After a few more hours of running directly onto rides, we'd gotten done by 10am, as much as I'd hoped to accomplish in the entire day! Even Devon had to admit the before-the-sunrise wake up call was well worth it!
Our final day at Disneyland, sad!
He utterly refused to go on it, but I didn't want to go alone. I wonder who won that argument...
But I couldn't win this one...
I had to ride the Maliboomer all by myself :(
For some reason mine was super salty, but I'd been so long since I had one that I thought that was just how they were. When Devon was done with his he had some of mine and sure enough mine was way saltier than his. If I would have known before we ate the whole thing, I would have taken it back, oh well...
To sum it all up....we had a blast! We definitely made some memories.